Jumat, 28 November 2008

Opini tentang artikel Perjalanan E-Commerce Indonesia

Memang sekarang sudah menjadi hal yang biasa dan bahkan juga wajib bagi suatu perusahaan di seluruh dunia untuk bisa merambah ke dunia internet. Lewat e-commerce diharapkan perusahaan tersebut bisa mencapai level yang lebih tinggi, baik dalam hal produksi, distribusi, pemasaran, dan keuntungan yang akan didapat.

Sementara di Indonesia khususnya, penggunaan internet ini mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun, walaupun masih kalah dengan negara-negara lain. Tapi ini berarti kesadaran untuk memakai internet sudah ada, walaupun tidak semua kalangan masyarakat di Indonesia sudah bisa menerapkan hal ini.

Agar lebih bisa berkembang, perusahaan-perusahaan di Indonesia khususnya, harus bisa memanfaatkan e-commerce ini dengan sebaik-baiknya untuk memperluas pangsa pasar mereka dan juga meningkatkan keuntungan mereka. Sehingga tidak hanya pasar domestik saja yang dapat dikuasai tapi pasar globalpun harus bisa dirambah. Jika perusahaan tersebut belum menerapkan hal ini maka perusahaan tersebut sudah dipastikan akan kalah dalam persaingan perdagangan dunia saat ini. Begitu juga dengan individu-individu yang menerapkan penggunaan internet dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, baik untuk bekerja, belajar, mencari informasi, dll mereka pastinya akan lebih maju dan lebih luas wawasannya daripada orang yang tidak pernah menggunakan internet untuk keperluannya.

Pada masa yang akan datang hampir dipastikan semua orang di seluruh dunia akan menggunakan internet sebagai kebutuhannya sehari-hari. Dahulu orang menganggap bahwa dunia ini sangat luas dan tidak bisa dijangkau, tetapi sekarang dengan internet dunia menjadi terasa sangat kecil.

Penulis : Azhar

Earning Money Becomes A Husband Responsibility

Good morning ladies and gentlemen

Imagine this. You have a family, but your parents is work everyday in his office. They are so very busy for have a long time together with you. Therefore you feel a sad and lonely. It is a fact that many childrens in a families feelings the same. Many people in the world try so hard to get earning money for survive and living their family. They looking for a job with a high earn, although their skills is not enough for it. In a family, husband responsibility is a very important. For example a husband is responsible for safety his family and earning money. But is now, many wifes in a family also looking for a job and many of them becomes a careers woman.

I wish to discuss why earning money becomes a husband responsibility and show some of the consequence for this problem. Firstly, we all know that many families in Indonesia is poor. Therefore the husband and wife try so hard to get earning money together. According to Islam religion point of view, a husband must be take care his family and he have a duty for earning money. In other hand, the wife should be stay at home and she is take care of childrens. And also according to Rita S. Pritarini in a website in KotaSantri.com, she said that the criteria to be a good husband and good father one of them are he is can gives earning money with legal and enough for his families. But the wife also have a important jobs in the family, she is doing anything for her family to be happy. We must respect for woman in families.

Secondly, many woman in the world is demand for the same rights with a man, in the concerning of earning money. If the husband and wife is busy for get earning money, so the childrens maybe less of love from their parents. And then, the son must be is not happy for it. I think the solution of this problem are the husband must be earning money, and the wife stay at home for take care his childrens. Because earning money becomes a husband responsibility than his wife.

Finally, everybody have a same rights for get a job. But in the family, the husband is a prime for earning money than his wife. The husband and wife have a same dutys for take care their childrens and preserve a harmony in his family.

Thank you